01923 630 844
Perhaps you need answers to questions like;
What rent should I be charging?
Should I furnish it or not?
When does the new alarms law start?
Is rent guarantee a waste of money?
Why would I use the Property Management service?
Whatever your question, we're here to help. Use the link below to book directly in with Prudence Squires, one of our Lettings Managers. You'll get priority access to her diary to book a time to talk about lettings, whether that’s to discuss rental income on properties, current tenant trends, whether to furnish or not, potential yields on new properties, legislation changes, rent guarantee… the list is fairly endless! And it’s a free service for you, whether you're a landlord of ours or not.
Pick a day and a time that suits you, and let us know what you’d like her advice on.
Book your time to talk lettings by visiting; https://calendly.com/prudence-squires/lets-talk-lettings